Le coin lecture sur le Maroc

1 septembre 2015


Mon enfance, mon futur : investir dans le développement de la petite enfance dans le monde arabe
Ce rapport présente la première analyse détaillée de la situation du développement du jeune enfant dans la région du Moyen-Orient et de l’Afrique du Nord. Il fait état des graves retards de développement avant et après la naissance qui, souvent irréversibles, perpétuent les cycles de pauvreté et d’inégalité.



Rapport de suivi de la situation économique
Le Rapport de suivi de la situation économique régionale complémente le Bulletin trimestriel d’information économique, en analysant les perspectives macroéconomiques et les défis économiques à court terme auxquels sont confrontés les pays de la région MENA.



Confiance, voix au chapitre et mesures incitatives : tirer des leçons du succès dans la prestation de services au niveau local 
Ce rapport examine le rôle des mesures incitatives, de la confiance et de l’engagement en tant que déterminants essentiels de l’efficacité des services publics dans les pays de la région du Moyen-Orient et de l’Afrique du Nord (MENA). En se penchant plus spécifiquement sur les secteurs de l’éducation et de la santé, le rapport montre comment le manque de responsabilisation mutuelle externe et interne qui prévaut dans les sphères politique et administrative au sein de la région sape les mesures incitatives à l’application des politiques et à la performance, et explique comment contrecarrer un cercle vicieux qui entretient l’inefficacité des services publics.



Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord : emplois ou privilèges ?
Ce rapport montre qu’alors que les pays du Moyen-Orient et d’Afrique du Nord (MENA) cherchent à stimuler la croissance du secteur privé et à créer plus d’emplois, ils sont confrontés à un choix crucial : promouvoir la concurrence et des règles équitables pour tous les entrepreneurs et démanteler les privilèges dont jouissent actuellement certaines entreprises, ou maintenir l’actuel statu quo au risque d’entretenir la faible création d’emplois.


My Childhood, My Future: Early Childhood Development in the Arab World

This report provides the first comprehensive analysis of the state of early childhood development in the Middle East and North Africa. The report shows that deficits before, during, and after birth tend to be irreversible and perpetuate cycles of poverty and inequality.


MENA Economic Monitor

The MENA Economic Monitor supplements the World Bank’s Bi-annual MENA Quarterly Economic Brief and presents the short term, macroeconomic outlook and economic challenges facing the countries in the Middle East and North Africa region.



Trust, Voice, and Incentives: Learning from Local Success Stories in Service Delivery in the Middle East and North Africa

This report examines the role of trust, incentives, and engagement as critical determinants of service delivery performance in the countries of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. Focusing on education and health, the report illustrates how the weak external and internal accountability relationships prevalent in the MENA political and administrative spheres undermine incentives toward policy implementation and performance, and how such a cycle of poor performance can be counteracted.



My Childhood, My Future: Early Childhood Development in the Arab World

This report provides the first comprehensive analysis of the state of early childhood development in the Middle East and North Africa. The report shows that deficits before, during, and after birth tend to be irreversible and perpetuate cycles of poverty and inequality.


MENA Economic Monitor

The MENA Economic Monitor supplements the World Bank’s Bi-annual MENA Quarterly Economic Brief and presents the short term, macroeconomic outlook and economic challenges facing the countries in the Middle East and North Africa region.



Trust, Voice, and Incentives: Learning from Local Success Stories in Service Delivery in the Middle East and North Africa

This report examines the role of trust, incentives, and engagement as critical determinants of service delivery performance in the countries of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. Focusing on education and health, the report illustrates how the weak external and internal accountability relationships prevalent in the MENA political and administrative spheres undermine incentives toward policy implementation and performance, and how such a cycle of poor performance can be counteracted.



My Childhood, My Future: Early Childhood Development in the Arab World

This report provides the first comprehensive analysis of the state of early childhood development in the Middle East and North Africa. The report shows that deficits before, during, and after birth tend to be irreversible and perpetuate cycles of poverty and inequality.


MENA Economic Monitor

The MENA Economic Monitor supplements the World Bank’s Bi-annual MENA Quarterly Economic Brief and presents the short term, macroeconomic outlook and economic challenges facing the countries in the Middle East and North Africa region.



Trust, Voice, and Incentives: Learning from Local Success Stories in Service Delivery in the Middle East and North Africa

This report examines the role of trust, incentives, and engagement as critical determinants of service delivery performance in the countries of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. Focusing on education and health, the report illustrates how the weak external and internal accountability relationships prevalent in the MENA political and administrative spheres undermine incentives toward policy implementation and performance, and how such a cycle of poor performance can be counteracted.



My Childhood, My Future: Early Childhood Development in the Arab World

This report provides the first comprehensive analysis of the state of early childhood development in the Middle East and North Africa. The report shows that deficits before, during, and after birth tend to be irreversible and perpetuate cycles of poverty and inequality.


MENA Economic Monitor

The MENA Economic Monitor supplements the World Bank’s Bi-annual MENA Quarterly Economic Brief and presents the short term, macroeconomic outlook and economic challenges facing the countries in the Middle East and North Africa region.



Trust, Voice, and Incentives: Learning from Local Success Stories in Service Delivery in the Middle East and North Africa

This report examines the role of trust, incentives, and engagement as critical determinants of service delivery performance in the countries of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. Focusing on education and health, the report illustrates how the weak external and internal accountability relationships prevalent in the MENA political and administrative spheres undermine incentives toward policy implementation and performance, and how such a cycle of poor performance can be counteracted.

